The numbers are going up. Daily infection rates are crossing the 4,000 mark frequently and there are now more than 1,000 corona patients in ICU’s again. Four counties and the capital are in the “red scenario”. Meanwhile more than 1 million Romanians have been vaccinated and the pace is picking up. This and more news in this week’s Romanian Dispatch.
Happy Mărțișor. Spring has come at last! While teaching staff started to get vaccinated and the Romanian government donated 20,000 anticorona vaccines to neighbouring Moldova, health authorities are preparing for a third wave of the pandemic. This and more news in this week’s Romanian Dispatch.
The Cîţu cabinet approved the draft 2021 state budget, which will now go to parliament for approval. After a visit to Brussels, the prime minister announced that Romania could join the Schengen Area as early as this year and introduce the euro in 2027 or 2028. This and more good news in this week’s Romanian Dispatch.
A former Romanian intelligence officer has been sentenced to 13 months in prison for Holocaust denial in the first-ever conviction under the country’s 2002 law.
The Cîţu government finally presented a draft budget for 2021, but it looks like few are happy about it, including his own ministers. Among other things, the budget foresees cuts in the many bonuses and other benefits for public servants. And new data show that Romania experienced a mini-babyboom in December. This and more in this week’s Romanian Dispatch.
Good morning. After some delay the national vaccination campaign against the SARS-CoV-2 virus has resumed with new supplies of the Moderna vaccin. The 2021 budget should be ready soon, although coalition partners disagree on the direction for sustainable economic growth. And 2021 looks to be a good year for coffee lovers. That and more in this week’s Romanian Dispatch.
Een voormalige Roemeense inlichtingenofficier is veroordeeld tot 13 maanden gevangenisstraf wegens ontkenning van de Holocaust in de allereerste veroordeling op grond van een wet uit 2002.
Memoires van Roemeense politici zijn bijna op een hand te tellen. Gelukkig verschijnen binnenkort de memoires van Viorica Dăncilă, Roemenië’s eerste vrouwelijke premier. Zij leidde van januari 2018 tot november 2019 een kabinet van sociaal-democraten (PSD) en de liberale afsplitsing ALDE.
After a short hiatus and a long holiday break we are back! And back with mostly good news: daily corona infections are down, vaccinations are up, and the new centre-right government, which was formed at the end of 2020, seems to be on track to reverse legislation that undermines the rule of law and tackle economic challenges.
Bij een historisch lage opkomst heeft in Roemenië de liberale minderheidsregering van PNL onvoldoende stemmen gehaald om een centrum-rechts kabinet te vormen. Omdat er geen duidelijke parlementaire meerderheid is voor een linkse noch rechtse regering is de verwachting dat een zakenkabinet Roemenië uit de coronapandemie moet leiden.