Category Archives: Hungary

Persvrijheid in Zuidoost-Europa verbeterd ondanks coronamaatregelen

Mediawatchdog RSF sloeg vorige week alarm dat de persvrijheid in Europa verder is ingeperkt. Er is echter ook goed nieuws. Ondanks de coronapandemie is het met de onafhankelijkheid van de pers in Zuidoost Europa juist beter gesteld dan in 2019.

Lees verder bij Reporters Online.

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Three Seas Initiative Summit Shows Growing Interest in Post-Communist Europe

Last week, political leaders descended on Bucharest, Romania for the third Three Seas Initiative Summit. Launched in 2015, the Three Seas Initiative is an economic alliance of twelve EU member states between the Adriatic, Baltic, and Black seas. These countries – Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia – are strategically located, especially when it comes to energy and security.

Read further in Muftah Magazine.

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