Category Archives: Romania

Trianon spel van politici, ook in Roemenië

Honderd jaar nadat Transsylvanië aan Roemeens grondgebied werd toegevoegd, is de herinnering aan “Trianon” nog altijd levend in Roemenië. Het land heeft sinds vorige maand maar liefst twee nationale feestdagen om dit voor Roemenen heugelijke feit te vieren. Op 1 december staan ze op de Nationale Dag (Ziua Națională) – ook wel Grote Unie Dag (Ziua Marii Uniri) – stil bij de unificatie van de Roemeense provincies Wallachije, Moldavië en Transsylvanië. Op 13 mei jongstleden nam het parlement een wet aan die van 4 juni de Dag van het Verdrag van Trianon maakt.

Lees verder in Donau | English version

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Labor Shortages Threaten to Derail Central & Eastern European Economies

After twenty years of growth, labor shortages threaten to derail the economies of Central and Eastern Europe. Since the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia joined the EU in 2004, followed by Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, their economies have been boosted through a combination of capital from multinationals and cheap and well-educated local workers. 

Read further in Muftah Magazine.

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The gender gap in Romania

2018 ended on a high note: the gender gap in Romania continues to close. According to new figures from the renowned World Economic Forum, Romania has closed the overall gender gap to slightly more than 71%, which places Romania 63rdin the global ranking, just behind Croatia (59), Kazakhstan (60) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (62) but quite far behind our neighbours Bulgaria (18), Moldova (35) and Serbia (38). 

Read further [in Romanian] in Dilema veche.

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Holocaust Revisionism Widespread in Eastern Europe: New Report

A new report on how EU member states address the legacy of the Holocaust claims that several Central and East European countries are seeing widespread historical revisionism and are downplaying of World War II crimes. The report was published two days before January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which marks the anniversary of the liberation of Nazi Germany’s most notorious death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, where hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered.

Read further in Muftah Magazine.

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Romania Takes Over EU Presidency While On Collision Course With Brussels

On January 1, Romania took over the rotating presidency of the European Union from Austria. The social democratic PSD-ALDE government led by PrimeMinister Viorica Dăncilă, in cooperation with President Klaus Iohannis from the liberal PNL, will take on important European dossiers like migration and the multi-annual EU budget. Romania will also have to facilitate Brexit on March 29.

Read further in Muftah Magazine.

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Three Seas Initiative Summit Shows Growing Interest in Post-Communist Europe

Last week, political leaders descended on Bucharest, Romania for the third Three Seas Initiative Summit. Launched in 2015, the Three Seas Initiative is an economic alliance of twelve EU member states between the Adriatic, Baltic, and Black seas. These countries – Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia – are strategically located, especially when it comes to energy and security.

Read further in Muftah Magazine.

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Unprecedented Violent Crackdown of Anti-Government Protests in Romania

An unprecedented violent crackdown by riot police against anti-government protesters in Romania’s capital left many wounded and further escalated the ongoing standoff between the ruling PSD party and the liberal opposition, including President Klaus Iohannis.

Read further in Muftah Magazine.

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Corrupt Government Sacks Anti-Corruption Head in Romania

After months of mounting pressure from the government, Romania’s president confirmed his dismissal of the country’s top anti-corruption prosecutoron July 9. Laura Codruța Kövesi was the chief prosecutor of Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), a position she held from May 2013 until the time of her sacking.

Read further in Muftah Magazine.

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Book Review: My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File by Katherine Verdery

After the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe, newly elected parliaments adopted legislation to dispose of the former communist elites. Through so-called “lustration” laws (“purification” in Latin) countries addressed the legacy of human rights abuses by identifying and, in some cases, sentencing those responsible for abuses under the prior regime. Lustration, however, was only one of the ways that secret police files could be used.

Read full book review in Muftah Magazine.

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Former Romanian President Faces Trial for Crimes Against Humanity

Last Friday, April 13, Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis approved a request to prosecutea former president and prime minister on charges of crimes against humanity for their roles in the country’s bloody 1989 revolt against its communist dictatorship.

Read full blog in Muftah Magazine.

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