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Former Communist States Are Bracing Themselves Against Russia – and Western Europe

U.S. President Donald Trump has been visiting Europe for summits with NATO and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. Yet what many forget is that last summer Trump’s first state visit to the European Union was to Poland. In the shadow of a monument to the Warsaw Uprising against the Nazis in 1944, he gave an unusual refined speech, which Slovaks, Poles and Hungarians could watch live via their state TV networks. They did so massively.

“The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,” Trump said. “On both sides of the Atlantic, our citizens are confronted by yet another danger — one firmly within our control. This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles,” he continued, speaking next to the monument of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, CNBC reported. The speech was of an unusually high rhetorical level and contrasted sharply with Trump’s usual reckless style. This must have come from the pen of Steve Bannon, analysts concluded. The former head strategist of the White House is a well-known adherent to the ‘alternative right’ conviction that Europe is falling prey to multiculturalism, advancing Islamism and globalization.

That story, packed in oratorical craftsmanship, was exactly the right sound in the right place. From all over the country, buses with Trump fans came to take part in a ‘patriotic picnic’ in honor of the presidential visit. “Trump! Trump! Trump!,” the frenzied crowd chanted in Warsaw.

Just before his speech, Trump had attended a conference of the Three Seas Initiative, a new economic alliance of the countries between the Adriatic, Baltic and Black Seas. What did the American president do on a summit of that unknown covenant? Was this the birth of a new geopolitical player in Europe? Historians soon established the link with the Intermarium, a Polish plan from the twenties and thirties to establish a strong Central European federation between fascist Germany and the communist Soviet Union. Certainly now that Poland and Hungary are at odds with the European Commission about the relocation of refugees and the breakdown of the rule of law, possible block formation is being watched with suspicion. According to Professor Andrzej Zybertowicz, advisor of the Polish president, the Three Seas Initiative can become a backbone of a new Central European Union if the EU collapses under the migration or Euro crisis.

The Three Seas Initiative is closely related to two major infrastructure projects in the region: a north-south highway “Via Carpathia” and liquefied natural gas infrastructure, with ocean terminals in Poland and Croatia and a connecting pipeline. Up to now, all major motorways in the region have traveled to the West, to Germany. The route of the Via Carpathia, construction of which has already started in Poland, starts in Lithuania and then goes straight down through the east of Poland, continues through Hungary, Romania (a fork in the south may continue eastwards through Romania to the Black Sea port town of Constanța) and Bulgaria and ends at the port of Thessaloniki in northern Greece.

The third Three Seas Initiative Summit will be held in Bucharest in September. The Via Carpathia will not be ready yet – completion of the Polish stretch of the highway is foreseen for 2023 – but both Poland and Romania continue to be at odds with Brussels over rule of law infringements and the refusal of the Visegrád countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) to accept refugees continues to prevent the EU from developing a coherent and consistent migration and refugee policy. Perhaps a Central European Union may not be that far off in the future. 

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Een fluwelen ontslag in Armenië

FOTO: Protest in Armenië – Foto credit: Olya Azatyan.  Creative Commons License Logo This image is licensed under Creative Commons License.

Een week van massale protesten in Armenië heeft tot een machtsverschuiving geleid: op 23 april namen de voormalige Armeense president en de nieuw aangestelde premier Serge Sarkisian plotseling ontslag. Oppositieleider Nikol Pasjinian liet tijdens een bijeenkomst in de hoofdstad Jerevan weten dat hij “klaar was om de voorwaarden van Sarkisian’s ontslag en de machtsoverdracht te bespreken”, aldus Al Jazeera.

De dag voordat de president en de premier waren opgestapt, leken ze nog niet te willen wijken. Pasjinian was gearresteerd – hij had zijn aanhangers opgeroepen om een ​​”fluwelen revolutie” te beginnen om premier Sarkisian af te zetten – en de machthebbers dreigden de protesten met geweld te beëindigen. Maar nadat duizenden soldaten zich bij de demonstraties hadden aangesloten, concludeerde de premier dat een verlengin van zijn 10-jarige termijn onhoudbaar was. Op zijn website (hier vertaald en geannoteerd door Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty) verklaarde Sarkisian: “De straatbeweging is tegen mijn ambtstermijn, ik ga in op de eisen.”

De massale protesten ontstonden nadat de regerende Republikeinse Partij van Armenië op 9 april Armen Sarkisian (niet verwant) benoemde tot nieuw staatshoofd en op 17 april besloot Serge Sarkisian premier te maken om hem zo aan de macht te houden. Een tactiek die gekopieerd was van Vladimir Poetin, met een wijziging in de grondwet die de positie van de president zou verkleinen en de rol van de premier zou versterken.

Het verzet onder de jongeren in Armenië zette de protesten in beweging. De demonstraties begonnen al in maart, toen leden van de Republikeinse partij niet uitsloten dat zij Serge Sarkisian wilden voordragen als premier. Daarop gingen aanhangers van de Civil Treaty-partij eind maart in Jerevan de straat op – vanaf 17 april kwamen jongeren in grote aantallen in protest, de dag dat Sarkisian formeel tot eerste minister werd gekozen. Tegen zondag 22 april hadden 50.000 betogers zich verzameld in de straten van de hoofdstad, wat ook veel Armeniërs verraste.

De Republikeinse partij die sinds 1999 domineert, leek de snelste optie te kiezen om de macht te behouden door Serge Sarkisian premier te maken. Tien jaar lang, in twee termijnen, was Serge Sarkisian president van de voormalige Sovjetrepubliek. Na de laatste termijn benoemde de partij hem tot premier terwijl Sarkisian zelf bij verschillende gelegenheden had verklaard die taak niet op zich te nemen. De jeugd van Armenië zou er niets aan hebben: na 10 jaar Sarkisian-regime is de economie in slechte staat en blijft de jeugdwerkloosheid extreem hoog (35,1% in 2017).

Als het gaat om presidentsverkiezingen heeft de Kaukasus-natie van drie miljoen inwoners een geschiedenis van geweld. Elke recente presidentsverkiezing in Armenië – in 2003, 2008 en 2013 – leidde tot massale protesten die werden beantwoord met geweld door veiligheidstroepen. Tijdens de laatste protesten, echter, was de politie terughoudend.

Inmiddels heeft de regering ex-premier en Sarkisians bondgenoot Karen Karapetian snel benoemd tot waarnemend premier. De protesten van een week die leidden tot het aftreden van Sarkisian waren zeker geen revolutie in de verbeelding. Maar de vrijwillige en fluwelen machtsoverdracht was beslist een breuk met het verleden van Armenië.

(Dit artikel is gepubliceerd in Donau. Een Engelse versie verscheen in Muftah Magazine.)

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Afrika’s laatste kolonie

Smara vluchtelingenkamp, zuid-west Algerije – “Alle bevrijdingsbewegingen hebben gewonnen”, zegt Fatma Mehdi. “Wij zullen winnen.” Mehdi, voorzitster van de Nationale Sahrawi Vrouwenvakbond, reageert op een uitspraak van het Europese Hof van Justitie dat onlangs verklaarde dat het door Marokko bezette Westelijke Sahara niet onder het handelsverdrag tussen de EU en Marokko valt. Dat stuk land is welbeschouwd Afrika’s laatste kolonie. Nadat kolonisator Spanje zich in 1975 terugtrok, volgde een gewapende strijd tussen buurland Marokko en de inheemse Sahrawis geleid door het Polisario Front. Onder leiding vande VN kwam er in 1991 een wapenstilstand. Het grootste gedeelte van de Westelijke Sahara staat onder controle van Marokko –de “zuidelijke provincies”– en is door een 2.700 kilometer-lange muur en mijnenvelden gescheiden van de rest van Westelijke Sahara.

Ik ben in Smara, een van de vijf in de vluchtelingenkampen in de woestijn van zuid-west Algerije waar zo’n 130,000 Sahrawis sinds 1976 hun toevlucht hebben gevonden. Veel huishoudens in de vluchtelingenkampen zijn afhankelijk van contacten met Spaanse families om te kunnen overleven, want er is weinig steun van de VN en ander humanitaire organisaties. De Europese uitspraak kwam op 27 februari j.l., ook de dag waarop 42 jaar geleden de Sahrawische Arabische Democratische Republiek werd uitgeroepen door Polisario.

“Dit is een grote overwinning voor de Sahrawis”, vertelt Beccy Allen. Allen werkt als leerkracht Engels in het Boujdour vluchtelingenkamp en is betrokken bij de Western Sahara Campaign UK, de ngo die het verdrag tussen Marokko en de EU aan het Europese Hof voorlegde. Western Sahara Campaign UK is onderdeel van een internationale solidariteitsbeweging die zich vooral op richt op boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS), een –geweldloze– strategie die ook steeds vaker in de Palestijnse gebieden wordt toegepast en uiteindelijk tot de ondergang van het apartheidsregime in Zuid-Afrika leidde. Mehdi: “Wij willen geweldloosheid, niet terug naar de oorlog.”

Zusterorganisatie Western Sahara Resource Watch in Brussel probeert al jaren investeerders te overtuigen geen aandelen te kopen van bedrijven die fosfaat van het Marokkaanse staatsbedrijf OCP kopen. Negentig procent van de wereldwijde fosfaatreserve, onmisbaar in de productie van kunstmest, ligt in de mijnen rond Boukraa, Westelijke Sahara. Op verzoek van Polisario –de regering in ballingschap geleid door Brahim Galli –werd onlangs een schip met fosfaat bestemd voor Nieuw-Zeeland aan de ketting gelegd in Port Elizabeth (Zuid-Afrika), waar de lading in de komende maanden per opbod wordt verkocht en de opbrengst naar de Sahrawis gaat. Olie, vis, fosfaat en toerisme zijn grote inkomstenbronnen voor Marokko, en niet geheel toevallig zijn die te vinden in de Westelijke Sahara en de kustgebieden daarvan.

De laaste directe onderhandelingen tussen Polisario en Marokko vonden in 2012 plaats. Marokko heeft al jaren een voorstel voor zelfbestuur voor de Sahrawis onder Marokkaanse vlag op de plank liggen, Polisario neemt alleen een referendum voor onafhankelijkheid serieus, zoals dat is afgesproken bij de wapenstilstand in 1991 en nog altijd door de VN-vredesmissie MINURSO moet worden georganiseerd.

Met de uitspraak van het Europese Hof en de groeiende BDS-beweging lijkt er voorzichtig druk te ontstaan om het 42-jarig conflict op te lossen. Ook vanuit de VN is er extra aandacht: zo benoemde VN-secretaris generaal António Guterres afgelopen december Horst Köhler als zijn Personal Envoy for Western Sahara. Köhler heeft inmiddels met de meeste betrokken partijen gesproken: Polisario, Algerije, Zuid-Afrika, Frankrijk, de Afrikaanse Unie; vanuit Rabat komen signalen dat er binnenkort ook een gesprek komt tussen Köhler en de Marokkaanse minister van buitenlandse zaken Nasser Bourita. “Het laat zien dat de VN nog altijd belang hechten aan ons probleem”, zegt Mehdi.

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Does Morocco rejoining the African Union seal the fate of Africa’s last colony?

BEIRUT — After an absence of 33 years Morocco rejoined the African Union (AU), weakening the prospect of Western Sahara, Africa’s last colony, ever becoming independent. Both the Moroccan government and representatives of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) welcomed the decision. Yet the promised, UN-mandated referendum on the independence of Western Sahara is now more unlikely to happen than ever.

“Morocco wants to work from the independence to get Western Sahara expelled from the AU and once and for all lay to rest the whole issue of Western Sahara and its claims to independence,” Liesl Louw-Vaudran, an analyst at the Institute of Security Studies in South Africa who has been following the AU for 20 years, told Newsweek. “I don’t think there’s anyone who thinks that total independence for Western Sahara is still on the cards.”

Simon Allison, who covers Africa for the Daily Maverick, believes that Morocco’s all-out diplomatic offensive to improve relations with the African continent may give African leaders — think particularly of Algeria, Nigeria and South Africa — new leverage to move forward on the referendum on self-determination. Yet he concludes: “That’s the optimistic take. It’s perhaps more plausible, however, that thanks to Morocco’s deep purse and political muscle, Western Sahara has just lost a whole lot of its African allies – making its dreams of independence less likely than ever before.”

SADR president and Polisario leader Brahim Ghali said in an interview that Morocco’s rejoining the African Union does not change the situation fundamentally. “We always look for the peaceful way” to resolve the conflict, Ghali told AFP at a Sahrawi refugee camp in Tindouf, southwestern Algeria. “But all options remain open,” he said, alluding to the possibility of a return to armed struggle.

The situation in Western Sahara can be compared with the Occupied Palestinian Territories. All the talk over the years of pan-Arab and pan-African solidarity with the Palestinians and Sahrawis has translated into very little action. Israel and Morocco, with their powerful economies, powerful armies, and powerful Western allies — hold all the cards.

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Tiny Baltics and France lead the way in EU relocation scheme

RIGA / TARTU — Under the EU relocation scheme Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have now accepted 455 asylum-seekers from Greece and Italy since the beginning of last year. Although France (2,702), the Netherlands (1,216) and Germany (1,099) have received the most asylum-seekers to date under the program, by accepting the 455 — mostly Syrian — asylum-seekers the three Baltic states have actually carried a greater burden given their size (only France accepted more as a percentage of its population).

The EU relocation scheme is supposed to relocate asylum-seekers from Greece and Italy to other EU countries. It just hit the 10,000 mark last week, with 150,000 more to go by 27 September 2017. If successful, and that is still a very big if, the EU program would relief the 60,000-odd refugees that are currently stuck in Greece and suffering under terrible winter conditions, as well as another 70,000 from Italy. But implementation is slow and there is a lot resistance from governments and voters, aside from logistical challenges.

That the Baltics are now leading the way in the EU relocation program is quite astonishing, to say the least. Resistance to the arrival of refugees from Syria has been strong and the Baltic governments only reluctantly agreed — unlike other post-communist states like Hungary, Poland and Slovakia — to be part of the relocation mechanism. And as recent as last August the European Commission was critical of the strict admission requirements that the Baltic governments set for war refugees from Syria and Iraq seeking relocation.

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Laimīgu Jauno gadu!

RIGA — Laimīgu Jauno gadu! I’ll be spending January in Latvia and Lithuania where I will be reporting several stories on emigration and the refugee crisis. I will also be preparing for courses I teach this spring in the Gender and Development in Humanitarian Assistance program at Lebanese American University in Beirut.

2017 will be a critical year for the European Union’s relocation scheme, which aims to relocate 160,000 asylum seekers that are stuck in camps and reception centres in Greece and Italy to other EU member states. You may remember that enthusiasm  in the EU for this quota mechanism has been lukewarm at best — with Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the United Kingdom not participating in the program. And the numbers show it: on 19 December only 9,356 out of the 160,000 asylum seekers from Syrian, Eritrea, Iraq had found refuge in the EU. Although Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are only expected to have accepted 1,481 asylum seekers by the end of 2017, out of the 160,000 for the whole EU, progress towards this goal in the Baltic states in the first months of 2017 may be indicative for the success of the EU relocation scheme as a whole. I’ll be speaking with policy makers, Baltic residents, and with refugees who were accepted last year and who are trying to integrate in their new adopted homes.

While 2017 may well be a crucial year for tackling the European refugee crisis, Latvia and Lithuania are continuing to face an emigration crisis. Ever since the  dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, young and highly skilled professionals have been leaving the newly independent Baltic states in large numbers. (Estonia is the exception; since 2015 immigration exceeds emigration, which provoked a response from 39,399 Estonian citizens.) Although emigration has been slowing in recent years, researchers have found that since the 2008 financial crisis more women aged 40-65 — some of them grandmothers — are moving abroad in order to salvage their economic well-being and support their multi-generation families. This is a trend also seen in other post-communist countries like Romania and Ukraine. In the next few weeks I’ll be interviewing both migration researchers and women who have left Latvia and Romania for Guernsey, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom, Italy and Spain to seek better lives.

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Migrant population in Middle East more than doubles

BEIRUT — The number of migrants in the Middle East has more than doubled since 2005, according to a new report by the Pew Research Center.

Migrant workers, asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced persons increased from around 25 million in 2005 to 54 million in 2015. This 120% increase is much higher than in North America and Europe (both around 20%) over the same period despite the arrival of 1.3 million asylum seekers in Europe last year, of whom many were from the Middle East. Forced and voluntary migration in the Middle East also grew at a faster pace than  in Africa (90% increase), the Asia-Pacific (26%), and Latin America and the Caribbean (77%).

The share of migrants of the region’s population grew from 7% in 2005 to approximately 13% in 2015. In other words, one-in-ten people currently living the Middle East is either an international migrant or displaced. The Pew Research Center based its analysis on data from United Nations agencies.

This growth of migration in the Middle East is mainly caused by two factors: conflict and economic opportunity.

About half of the Middle East's 23 million displaced migrants lived in Syria or Iraq in 2015Armed conflict in Syria, Iraq and Yemen has displaced millions. This forced displacement accounts for the majority (60%) of the growth of the migrant population. The aftermath of the invasion of Iraq and subsequent civil war, the war in Syria since 2011, the rise of Daesh and the various conflicts in Yemen since the Arab Uprising had (internally) displaced 23 people by the end of 2015, about half of them living in Syria or Iraq, followed by Jordan, Yemen, Turkey and Lebanon.

About six-in-ten of the Middle East's non-displaced international migrant lived in Saudi Arabia and UAE in 2015

Economic opportunity has attracted millions of migrant workers — mostly from countries outside the region — particularly to the oil-rich Gulf States: Saudi Arabia (10.2 million), United Arab Emirates (8 million), Kuwait (2.9 million) and Oman (1.8 million). But also Israel and Lebanon continue to attract migrants.

The figures from the Pew Research Center show how war and armed conflict have wreaked havoc on the region: the portion of migrants living in the Middle East that were not displaced fell from 78% to 57% in the past decade.

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European Commission critical of Baltic states for admission requirements asylum seekers

RIGA – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have drawn the ire of the European Commission over their reluctance to host refugees under the EU relocation programme, the LNT commercial TV channel reported Friday.

“There are only two criteria based on which someone can be refused asylum or relocation within Europe,” Kristīne Liepiņa, spokesperson for the European Commission Delegation in Latvia, told LNT. “One reason is that this person poses a threat to other people’s security, namely, to local society. And another reason, of course, is if this person poses a threat to international security.”

Yet to date Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have only accepted refugee families with children and educated refugees with foreign language skills and work experience.

The Baltic states between them are expected to accept 1,481 asylum seekers by the end of 2017 as part of the EU’s relocation scheme. All EU member states together agreed to take 160,000 refugees that are stranded in Greece and Italy by that date.

In its fifth report on the progress of the EU relocation and resettlement programme, the Commission wrote last month: “During the reporting period, a number of Member States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) have rejected relocation requests without providing substantiated reasons or on grounds other than those specified in the Council Decisions on relocation.” The previous, fourth report (June) also singled out the Baltic countries, among others, for “[…] lack of motivation of rejections of relocation requests [which] goes against the letter of the Council Decisions on relocation and the spirit of loyal cooperation.”

This is the first time, however, that a representative of the European Commission openly criticises the Baltic governments. So far the EU Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has only encouraged member states to do more. During the presentation of the last progress report he spoke of a “positive trend, but more efforts are needed.”

Latvia’s governing Unity party believes that the EU report is a testament to the fact that Latvia takes the application verification process very serious. “Our system of domestic affairs staff are doing their job well. […] The criteria should not be changed,” Lolita Čigāne (Unity), member of the Saeima and chairperson of the European Affairs Committee, told LNT in response to the criticism.

Ironically, the criticism comes at a time when all three Baltic countries have started accepting substantially more refugees. On Friday, Lithuania welcomed 11 Syrian refugees from Greece under the EU deal, bringing the total to 73 so far. Earlier last week, a court in Latvia granted five Iraqis refugee status and 12 asylum seekers from Eritrea and Syria subsidiary (temporary) protection. And two Syrian refugee families arrived in Estonia from Greece at the end of July.

The next progress report of the European Commission is expected in September.

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Will IOM joining the UN system result in better migration management and protection of migrants?

Last week the membership of the International Organization of Migration (IOM) approved a motion to join the United Nations. “We expect to soon have a seat and a voice at the UN table and the UN will soon have a dedicated migration agency,” said IOM Director General William‎ Lacy Swing.

But what will this mean for migrants around the world? One in every seven persons on the planet is now a migrant and 65.3 million of these are forced migrants and refugees.

Discussions about the IOM joining the UN go back a long time but were accelerated with the prominence of migration governance in the newly minted Sustainable Development Goals. Back in 2005, the Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM), appointed by then-Secretary General Kofi Annan, recommended the IOM become a part of the UN system as a “global agency for economic migration,” leaving UNHCR as the key institution dealing with forced migration. This put the IOM at odds with the International Labour Organization (ILO), already a UN specialised agency, which claimed to have the monopoly on mobility. At the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development in September 2013 it appeared the IOM had beaten the ILO in the battle over who would become the central agency for migration.

Unlike its long-time rival the ILO, the IOM currently has no formal mandate for the protection of migrants. Established in 1951 it acts primarily as a service provider to its member states and donors. The IOM’s mandate is to help ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, promote international cooperation on migration issues, assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems, and to provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced persons (the latter being the mandate of UNHCR, the UN refugee agency).

Although the IOM itself argues that protection of migrant rights is central to its mission, many non-governmental organisations, including Human Rights Watch and the International Catholic Migration Committee, have criticised the IOM in the past as being too state-centric in its operations, yielding to the agenda of governments with too little regard for migrants themselves. Assisted voluntary return programmes of the IOM have been criticised for not being genuinely voluntary, particularly when it involves migrants kept in detention centres.

However, the IOM does have a wealth of field experience in running programmes that have a strong emphasis on human rights and protection. It has worked for example on migrants’ health, the prevention of human trafficking, and has led migrants’ rights training programmes.

Upon acceptance into the UN family, the IOM would need to be given a formal legal protection mandate, guided by the core international human rights treaties, including the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. And IOM’s staff, both at headquarters and in field offices, would need to be trained in human rights; it already has experience and expertise conducting such trainings.

The IOM certainly seems up to the task of being the “global agency for economic migration” from an operational point of view. The new UN agency currently has over 9,500 employees in 450 offices world-wide, which assisted an estimated 20 million migrants in 2015.

Whether this will result in better global management of migration flows, the protection of migrant workers against exploitation by employers and recruitment agencies or a more effective fight against smugglers and traffickers worldwide, only the future can tell.

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The lifesaving app that wasn’t

It sounded too good to be true: an app that let’s you save refugees in the Mediterranean from the comfort of your living room.

“Every person who has watched this tragedy unfold over the past two years will now have a chance to contribute to saving lives, even if it is giving a couple of minutes of their time on an app,” Christopher Catrambone, founder of Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS), told Mashable.

Here is how it was supposed to work: The ISea app “crowd-sources the search of the sea for migrants by giving access to the satellite image of the sea to smart phone users.” It then lets you scour those satellite images to spot refugee boats in trouble and alert rescue teams to their location. Teams such as MOAS, which provides professional search-and-rescue assistance to refugees and migrants in distress at sea. MOAS collaborated with the Singapore-based Grey for Good to develop the app.

Yet one week after the launch of ISea, the first stories broke that the app did not live up to its promise. Users pointed out that the app displays the same image for every user. ISea was subsequently pulled from the AppStore. And Grey for Good turned out to be the pro bono arm of a global advertising agency.

Meanwhile, MOAS, which even without the app rescued more than 2,000 people in its first two weeks of its operations in the Mediterranean, has denounced Grey for Good and the ISea app. “We were dismayed to discover that real time images were not being used,” MOAS wrote in a statement following the revelations. “We have since discontinued our relationship with Grey for Good and spoken candidly about our disappointment to the media.”

So far 2016 has been the deadliest year on record on the Mediterranean: 2,888 migrants and refugees lost their lives, compared with 1,838 through the first six months of 2015.

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